Beyond technology, an instrument of propaganda

Beyond its technical innovations, DeepSeek has the potential to contribute to the information disorders ecosystem. Its alignment with state propaganda does not make it an ideal candidate in terms of trust, transparency and credibility.

AI in the news production chain

The integration of AI into journalistic processes is transforming the way information is produced, processed and disseminated. Today, AI plays a role in every stage of the news production chain – from breaking news detection to distribution – while also supporting data collection, analysis and reporting.

AI practices and challenges for journalism in Africa

Newsrooms on the African continent are at an interesting crossroads where structural challenges and opportunities intersect. The potential of AI technologies for journalism is significant, offering tools to improve news gathering, fact-checking and content production. However, its adoption and use faces several challenges specific to the African context, ranging from inadequate digital infrastructure to dependence on technologies from the « Global North ».

Once upon a time there was data

Data is the cornerstone of journalism’s evolution, shaping its relationship with technology. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) relies heavily on data to drive prediction and classification, transforming journalistic workflows and decision-making. This chapter traces the historical interplay between journalists and technology, highlighting how data has fuelled both innovation and ethical dilemmas in modern AI-driven journalism.

[Research note] Developing prompting strategies for journalism and fact-checking

Despite concerns about accuracy, bias, and « hallucinations » in outputs, journalists and fact-checkers are increasingly using generative AI (GAI) tools. This research note highlights the importance of effective risk mitigation strategies, including (G)AI literacy, ethical practices, and the development of advanced prompting strategies.

Journalism & AI: Cutting through the hype

The adoption of AI in journalism has been characterised by a hype cycle that often exaggerates its potential, fuelled by sometimes aggressive marketing and misconceptions. Despite fears of human replacement, AI remains a complementary tool rather than a replacement, and its true value lies in supporting human creativity and decision-making.

[Retrospective 2024] Five chapters on fact-checking practices and a prototype

These six studies were published this year, demonstrating a dynamic involvement into disinformation research and interdisciplinary approaches at the University of Bergen through the Nordic Observatory for Digital Media and Information Disorder (NORDIS).

[AI Happy Hour] Journalism caught in the AI hype?

Since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, the role of AI in journalism has sparked new discussions, highlighting ethical concerns about its use, accuracy, and impact on journalistic standards. While AI tools like large language models (LLMs) offer potential, they cannot replace human judgment and may contribute to misinformation due to their limitations.

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